Leadership Offers

EDCOF Leadership Offers

In-Company Training: Programs taken directly from our open course portfolio for specific clients, with minimal modification to ensure that the practical aspects of the learning are client relevant.

In-Company Tailored Training : All EDCOF programs and courses can also be customized and offered at your company. We can conduct a needs assessment climate survey, or 360-degree feedback to assist you in strategizing your organization’s professional development.
Our trainers are in majority, academics who served in the field of the subject matter.

Consultancy in Leadership: Through a holistic approach, we perform a leadership consultancy by looking at the leadership capacity in your organization to maximize its alignment with your business goals and turn it into your ultimate advantage. A fully detailed report will allow the organization to look at the areas for improvement and we recommend the coaching and the training needed to achieve the goals.

“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself”. – Galileo Galilei